Danam – Giving is twice blessed, it blesses the one who gives and the one who receives
Swami Dayananda Saraswati

  • Sponsor a child for three months – $125
  • Sponsor a child for six months – $250
  • Sponsor a child for one year – $500
  • Sponsor two children for one year – $1000
  • Sponsor Health Care Expenses – $2500
  • Sponsor a child for seven years (till high school graduation) – $3500
  • Sponsor a Computer Lab for children – $5000
  • Sponsor a Solar Project for Green Energy – $5000
  • Sponsor a Free Student Hostel expenses for a year – $15,000
  • Sponsor building of a floor in a Vidyalaya or FSH – $110,000
    (The Non-profit tax ID # for AIM for Seva is 11-3573392)

AIM for Seva has a significant impact in rural India, by supporting the education and welfare of 9000 students and their communities.
Our AIMSBayArea chapter maintains 6 Chatralayas for boys and girls. Just $500 covers complete care of one child for 1 year. Your gifts also support the four AIM for Seva hospitals for rural populations. Some local donors are also funding construction projects of new Chatralaya and sections of Vidyalaya projects.  Sponsor a child for only $500.00!   Make difference in transforming a Child’s Life.

Detailed Instructions (if needed)
(Donations are exempt from tax as permitted 501(C)(3) rules. AIM for Seva charity id is EIN 11-3573392)

1. Enter amount of donation amount and and press “Pay Now” button, enter Credit card info on the next page.
2. Or To pledge (for paying later), please fill the donation amount and click “Check or Pledge” and follow instructions.
Please make check payable to “AIM for Seva” and post to this address. (Put CABA in notes section of check)
C/O Vijay Kapoor, Bay Area, 28615 Matadero Creek Ct, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Select the cause for which your donation should go to. Options are:
(i) Select the group of FSHs that Bay Area is supporting
(ii) Select a specific FSH (enter in comments field)
(iii) In Honor of (enter name and other info in comments field)
(iv) Other (enter in comments field).

3. To create a bank E-check, please use the info as follows:
AIM for Seva Inc, PO Box 639, Saylorsburg, PA 18353, (Put CABA in notes section)
4. For Bank-to-Bank transfers (Wire Transfer): please send email to sriniv@aimforseva.org or 248-979-8900 when completed.
AIM for Seva Inc., Account Number : 4186246559
PNC Bank, 500 First Avenue, Mailstop: P7-PFSC-03-W, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
For domestic wire: ABA Routing and Transit Number is 041000124
For International wire: PNC Bank’s SWIFT Code (BIC) is PNCCUS33.
(Put CABA in notes section)
5. Donate to “AIM For Seva” from your trust fund, donor advised fund or other philanthropic instruments. Contact us.
6. For online INR Rupee donations, please visit https://aimforseva.in India website. For bank transfer within India in rupees, please see details here or contact Srini above for bank details.

7. Rupee checks are accepted by us but will be forwarded to India office.

For assistance, send email to raj.paripatyadar@gmail.com, or phone 408 476 1638
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