We invite you to support
AIM for Seva at ICC Sevathon 2017
Sevathon is a signature community event in the Bay Area organized by the India Community Center.
It is a platform that provides Non Profit Organizations to come together, raise awareness for their cause and generate funding. Every year thousands of walkers, runners, yogis and mridangam players come together to support the activities of their favorite non profit organizations. The music, dance, entertainment, food and fun make this a memorable event for the whole family to enjoy while they support a worthy cause.
Date: July 9th 2017
Venue: Arena Green East, San Jose.
Events : Half Marathon, Walk or Run 10K or 5K, Yogathon.
Discount Code: AIM4SEVA for $5 off
Please register and purchase your tickets here and support AIM for Seva
We appreciate your support for AIM for Seva and our heartfelt gratitude for your continued patronage. With your generous support AIM for Seva is able to provide quality education, food, shelter and basic health care to children in a loving and wholesome environment, in Free Student Homes (FSH) across rural India, enabling them to become productive citizens of society.