Group communications and Collateral Tracking materials

The following google drive folder  link is for AIMS 2019/2018 Program contains collateral pdfs, flyers, and  working /agreed documents.  Please use that for shared and archived collateral that volunteers can access.  Some material has been transferred into these folders.

AIMS 2019 Program Docs

Please add new folder structure and documents as needed.

AIMS 2018 Program Docs

Specific program folders have created for Program Team management and  programs such as Sevathon 2018, Nandalala Event 2018, etc.

We also have some drive space under Onedrive, and can use the free online Microsoft doc apps (desktop and mobile devices) or full msoffice apps for a more professional looking presentation etc.

For informal and realtime team communications will be using WhatsApp tool on mobiles for interactive communications within group. Contact Madhu Grandhi at, 1650 438 1878   to be added to the AIMS Volunteer group on What’sApp for active dialog.


Microsoft office online products are free to use.  Just log in  with your Microsoft account (or create a new account – it is free).

MsOffice online, overview

Excel tutorial

Benefits of Volunteering for AIM for Seva activities locally

Perhaps the first and biggest benefit people get from volunteering is the satisfaction of incorporating service into their lives and making a difference in their community and country. The intangible benefits alone—such as pride, satisfaction, and accomplishment—are worthwhile reasons to serve. In addition, when we share our time and talents we:

• Solve Problems as they come along
• Strengthen  our local AIMS and AVC Communities
• Improve  Childrens’ Lives and bring awareness for the goals of AIM for Seva.
• Connect with like minded people
• Transform Our Own Lives especially aided by Spiritual  understanding.

Please join the volunteering group.